Motivational vs Inspirational
Motivational speakers not only engage the audience while sharing best practices, but also draw on life experiences and lessons ensuring the audience is kept entertained. The difference between an inspirational speaker and a motivational speaker is sometimes quite subtle. Where aninspirational speaker uses examples to underline the possibilities of overcoming extreme everyday obstacles as a way of motivating the audience, a motivational speaker draws from own experiences to back up the notion that nothing is impossible if one applies their mind in a constructive manner devoid of conditioning.The difference is notable and the message carries a lot more weight when coming directly from the person that has achieved what many would say was impossible. As a motivational speaker, Braam Malherbe brings this across in a convincing and inspirational manner.
Find out what it costs to use Braam as a KEY NOTE, MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER
Motivation is a state of mind and the only limits are those we impose on ourselves through our own consciousness. Book Braam as a Motivational Speaker for your next corporate function - make a difference.
Unlike other motivational speakers that I have listened to, Braam has the ability to capture his audience’s attention by relating to real live issues that have affected all of us at some stage in our lives or careers. He presentation which he delivers from the heart, thus leaves his audience with a lot of enthusiastic fire in their own hearts, and leaves them with the will to got out there and conquer their own worlds!
Dominique Lejeune • Divisional Executive: KZN
Audi Centre Umhlanga
An ordinary man with an extra–ordinary heart and soul.
Jaco Boyens • Dealer Principal
McCarthy Volkswagen Durban
Sometimes in life you get other people to make you think, why are you holding back? For what? The Braam Malherbe story is one of a normal person living his dream! Time is running at such a pace and you need to make your own dreams a reality, that is what I am going to do! Thanks Braam for reawakening a daring spirit!
Hein Nel • Dealer Principal
Audi Centre West Rand
Your keynote was outstanding and the fact you received a standing ovation will give you a sense of the impact you had. I want however to also thank you for the active role you played throughout the conference at business led sessions and the social networking sessions. The fact you played an active role goes some way to differentiating you from other popular conference speakers. I assure you this was noticed and commented upon by several of my colleagues at XL Travel and our suppliers.
Without a doubt we achieved what we set out to achieve when we devised our conference objectives. You were a major contributor to this success and pulled many strands of the content together in your session.
Nigel King • Senior Development Manager
XL Travel Head Office
Braam was fantastic, we all learnt something from the talk, for me personally I learnt that the human mind is capable of SO many things, based on the super human achievement of Braam running that distance eating strange food (yuck) and succeeding despite wanting to give up. I also learnt that despite personal tragedy he still came through for us, no one would have blamed him if he did not arrive on the 1st following his brother’s death the day before but he did, showing that commitments are important and that we always have a choice. He has left a huge space in my heart and is an awesome human being.
I thank him from the bottom of my heart and would recommend him to all corporates that have not used him.
Priscilla Gross • Senior Underwriter Commercial
ACE Insurance Limited South Africa
“There is no way I can thank you enough for the impact you had on our students during the ISCE. The message you sent and the experiences you discussed are absolutely incredible and inspiring. You are a true role model, not only in your accomplishments, but also your character and generosity. I know you are extremely busy, and the fact that you willingly took time out of your schedule in order to join us in China is amazing; and I truly appreciate how much you integrated yourself into the conference, and got to know all of the students. ”
Suzanne Unger • Director of Student Programs & Curriculum
Operation Smile International Headquarters
“Braam is without doubt the best I have ever heard – and we have had 36 speakers to date. ”
Kevin Chaplin, CEO SA Ubuntu Foundation
“Braam Malherbe deserves more thanks – His presentation was like a movie – laughs, tears, drama, the whole shebang!! And wow we bought 4 smiles, how encouraging. Well done WC on an excellent choice of speaker. I hope we have got word to him of what he motivated us to achieve. ”
Thanushya Pillaye-President – SAAHIP Nation
“Motivational, inspirational, moving. Braam makes the impossible possible and he turns the improbable into reality.”
Chris Howarth – Chief Operating Officer – Old Mutual
“A very inspiring, touching, honest, motivated presentation which came from the heart!”
Bobby Lamont – Sanlam Sky Solutions
“This presentation was very inspirational and the key message about perseverance and belief in self was very relevant to the audience. The feedback from delegates was extremely positive.”
Riette Ackermann – Gordons Institute of Business Science
“I would like to thank you sincerely for the great presentation. You certainly contributed enormously to the huge success of our best convention ever! You fitted your presentation into our theme and presented in a world-class audio visual format.”
- Ray Whitmore – MD: Spar Build-It
“Exceeded all expectations – an enriching experience. The learnings from this fascinating event can be applied effectively at work and at home. Don’t miss it!”
- Eugene Beneke – MD: Tiger Brands
“I am here for one reason and one reason only, and that is, from the bottom of my heart and the heart of our government, to thank Braam Malherbe for what one must consider to be a prime patriotic example, to not only our children, but to all South African’s”
Minister of Environmental Affairs, Mr Valli Moosa