Conquering the challenge of planet change
It is impossible to be in the presence of Braam Malherbe and to not be challenged by this man who makes a living out of defying the odds.
Spice 4 Life
Unsung Hero
Being voted the 2010 Unsung Hero in theMen’s Health Best Men Awards was an amazing accolade. I was up against some really credible and inspiring people who certainly deserved the award. They had both made huge contributions towards helping many people, both in South Africa and all over the world.
When I asked close friends why they had thought I would win, a common thread wove through their answers: “What is different about your approach to charity is that you empower people to help themselves instead of helping them”.
I like to believe
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Braam Malherbe 50/50 Interview
DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN A FEW SENTENCES: Always pushing boundaries; deeply connected to nature and the earth; empowering children (and adults that still choose to listen) to believe that nothing is impossible if you have big dreams, and that the future is in our hands. “be the change you want to see in the world.”
HOW DID YOU BECOME INTERESTED IN WILDLIFE/ENVIRONMENT? Felt connected to the earth at a very young age by turning over rocks and being in awe of what I saw and felt. As a participant on a wilderness leadership course in 1975
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Braams Achievements
Braam Malherbe is an extreme adventurer, conservationist, youth developer, motivational speaker,TV Presenter and author of the best seller “The Great Run”!
Braam Malherbe has an infectious energy that is fed by his life-long passion to protect the environment and children. He has inspired countless others to do the same.
From a young age, he dedicated his life to nature conservation and the protection of the planet. At only 16 years old, Braam ran 532km in 11 days (from Plett-CT) to raise funds for the protection of the Langebaan lagoon. In 1999 he completed
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