
Do One Thing

Braam Malherbe TV Presenter

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Braam’s weekly TV insert “Get Connected with Braam” addresses the Inter-connectedness between all species, including us. He has introduced his D.O.T campaign, where he invites viewers to Do One Thing. He believes collectively, we can make a huge difference!

He has studied climate change for the past 7 years and believes that the single greatest challenge facing humanity is how we deal with global climate change and the effects it is and will have on us.

“Our planet is just a dot in the universe; we are just dots on our planet; but, if we each just DO ONE THING (D.O.T.) we can make a radical difference”.

So, please get involved and email or Facebook me ONE thing that you are doing or want to do to make a positive difference to the planet … then challenge a friend to Do One Thing as well!

In nature, you are either an asset or liability. Humans keep on manipulating nature to suit their own needs and it is all going horribly wrong.
Saving the planet is daunting until you start doing something, however small and preferably outside the boundaries of your day-to-day life.
Have an eco-opinion, because it will affect you in this lifetime. South Africa, for example, will face serious water issues in five years’ time.
Recycle. Most of us simply chuck our muck in the trash can at home, push the wheelie bin out once a week for collection and think it’s just gone away … well, in reality; there is no ‘away’.