Everyone feels powerless in the face of the horrific images and stories about rhino poaching being reported in the news, and the situation is desperate.

But there is really incredible work being done by conservation organisations to stop the slaughter. In 2011 I set up the EWT MyPlanetRhino Fund anti-poaching initiative with MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet and the Endangered Wildlife Trust in order to raise money for best practices in rhino conservation. From humble beginnings, this fundraising drive is now raising over R100, 000 every month towards protecting our rhinos. Importantly, all of the money goes directly to saving the animals.

The programme has already handed over more than half a million rand in donations for the EWT MyPlanet Rhino fund. The funds are raised through the collective support of customers who swipe their cards at partner stores such as Woolworths, Waltons and Engen. Not one cent comes out of your pocket. You simply swipe your card and know you are being part of the solution.

The funds handed over to reserves or organisations are protecting critically black rhino population, providing anti-poaching rangers with equipment, rations, uniforms and operational support, and enabling the purchase of cybertrackers to audit rhino populations.

This is all as a result of individuals like you and I supporting MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet.

We need to empower more people to make a difference in conservation. Everyone can Do One Thing (DOT) for the rhino, just by signing up for a free MyPlanet card and swiping their cards whenever they shop. Please get a card and get your friends and family involved. Be part of the solution…because you can!

Do One ThIng #DOT and spread the word. For more information visit www.myschool.co.za call 0860 100 445 or email [email protected] or sign up at any Woolworths store.

How does MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet work?

More than 800 000 South Africans carry MySchool cards.

  1. GET a free MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card online.
  2. SELECT up to 3 schools and/or charities to support.
  3. SWIPE the card when you make a purchase at any partner store.