From rescuing snakes, to saving rhinos from poachers, to educating children and school principals about the environmental future of the planet, Braam is actively involved in myriad conservation initiatives.

Braam is campaigning for sustainable solutions to rhino poaching, and he is challenging governments to act decisively and with integrity. For more information, read his paper on the Rhino Wars.

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Braam is a member of the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA), which is a longstanding and well-established community of practice.

The GRAA provides support, networks and representation for game rangers across Africa. The GRAA believes that game rangers should operate with pride and with passion for their profession, whilst promoting best management practices in ensuring the conservation of our natural heritage.



Braam is an ambassador for the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) – a South African environmental organisation with a mission to implement high-impact environmental and conservation projects which promote public participation in caring for the Earth. WESSA has a strong track record of delivering human capacity development projects by working in strategic partnerships, thus enabling people to make more sustainable lifestyle and environmental management choices. Critical focus areas include life-supporting eco-systems such as water, energy and biodiversity.



Braam has dedicated his life to nature conservation and the sustainable protection of the planet. He co-founded the Volunteer Wildfire Services in 2000. He has trained Cape Nature staff in both theoretical and practical firefighting techniques. Braam has over 30 years of firefighting experience. He is Fire Boss Level II accredited.


The MyPlanet Rhino Fund, launched in May 2011, is the culmination of combined efforts between the MyPlanet fundraising programme, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and supported by Braam Malherbe as a well-known conservationist. The fund aims to provide South Africans with a channel through which to easily and constructively support rhino conservation and anti-poaching without costing them a cent. The fund is administered by the EWT and will be used to address the most pressing needs across the country.

Braam drives the fundraising through his motivational talks, blogs and interactions with individuals and corporates in South Africa.



Braam is a director on the board of Accountability Now, which represents conservation and environmental issues. Accountability Now is a non-political, not-for-profit organization devoted to upholding constitutionalism in Southern Africa.

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South Africa’s Constitution is a landmark visionary document that guarantees fundamental human rights and good governance that can be respected by all segments of society. An issue of growing concern is that in the implementation of the Constitution, various interest groups have sought to undermine the basic functioning of the Constitution.

Accountability Now’s mission is to highlight those aspects of constitutionalism that work well, and to identify those issues where the power of the Constitution could be brought to bear more assertively in solving problems that are of concern to the South African society at large.