Whilst en route to OR Tambo Airport on the Gautrain recently, I was disgusted to see the pollution in a river from the train window. What had evolved into a living, breathing eco system over millions of years was now a dead and toxic waste. A system that had supported a myriad of species; from amphibians and fish, to birds and humans, had been destroyed in a tiny fragment of time.

This stark reality reminded me, yet again, of humanity’s disrespect for the very thing that is deservant of our highest respect; Mother Earth. It also reminded me of my commitment to her and all the life she supports. To this end, we are living in the most exciting times in human history; we can fix the mess we’ve made by the choices we make in the next five to ten years. These choices will determine not only our destiny, but the destiny of our planet.

We are in the process of developing a vehicle for mass change; it is called the DOT app. DOT is an acronym for Do One Thing. It is time we all move from a space of blame and entitlement, to a place of ‘what can I contribute.’ The app is like Facebook for the planet. It is about many people doing many small things to fix the mess we’ve made. The irony is, that with over-population, many people, doing seemingly insignificantly small things, can create a ripple effect that can ensure a sustainable future.

The DOT app will be a free download to the world in mid November this year. MySchool, MyVillage, MyPlanet will be actively involved, so please join us and be part of an amazing initiative that can indeed, change the world for the better. #DOT