Notes from the cabin - Day 56
Our batteries have been taking serious strain with loads of cloud cover. To mitigate the problem we had resorted to using the reverse osmosis manual water desalinator for the past week or so. That was until yesterday, when it literally exploded in my hands!
I was 40 minutes into pumping when a crack went off like s gun and high pressure water sprayed me. I’m sad to say, she is officially dead!
The situation is dire and we have implemented emergency procedures. We have 8 liters of water left so are currently rationed to 500 ml per day each. I have mixed rehydrate into the water for optimal hydration. Further, we cannot boil water to cook food or make coffee, (which turns Wayne into an instant grouch and I have to banish him to his rowing station!). We are therefore restricted to consuming vacuum packed pre-cooked wet foods, including copious amounts of puddings for energy. In order to get the batteries up, everything drawing current is switched off. This includes our AIS, chart plotter and navigation lights at night! First rule of survival is water. Last night we were still stationary on para anchor and Wayne and I rotated watch every two hours, at which time we would put on AIS and chart plotter to check any shipping in a 25 mile radius. The watches were difficult as a result of continuous and heavy rain squalls.
But today is a new day and things are looking up! Our batteries have climbed to 80%, the highest in 16 days) and, if we have sun tomorrow, we will pump 8 liters.
Another problem is that our last cigarette lighter USB charger also went belly-up, we only have three small portable solar panels to charge our mobiles and our Sat phone. The phones and modem are the only way we can send blogs, pics and generally communicate.
The skies have cleared, the batteries are charging; both the boats and ours, I have a 50% charged phone and one bar on the say phone! The para anchor is up and we are being favored by an easterly wind towards Rio. Things are rosey!
Onwards ho!