I want to start by saying a BIG ‘thank you’ to everyone for your prayers, well-wishes and motivating me to keep going!

Over the past weeks I have been sent many questions. Here are a few Q&A’s:

Q: Where do you go to the toilet?

A: If I’m in the cabin at night, I pee in a Nalgene bottle and rinse overboard in the morning. If it’s a #2, I balance (precariously) over the side!

Q: Do you prefer doing things on your own or with someone?

A: On my own mostly. I live alone, run alone, spend time ‘surviving’ off the Earth in the mountains alone. It’s easier in many respects; you don’t have to be looking out for …cont by day, closer to Rio.

others; have loads of time to think, reflect, meditate and, most importantly, to be truly alone and still. Most expeditions have been with a partner not by design but circumstance or rules (like the South Pole). This has been good for me in that I have learned a great deal about team work, sharing, camaraderie, courage, effective and honest communication and deep, insightful real-man conversations…and plenty of ‘under-the table’ humour!

Q: What’s the cabin like?

A: Small, claustrophobic, humid and smelly!

Q: What’s your greatest fear?

A: Dying without leaving a real legacy; to die knowing I could have done so much more. Another, very real fear, is that most people really don’t give a damn about tomorrow…but this is changing 🙂

Q: How do you handle being in pain day after day?

A: It has been said ‘pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever’. If I didn’t have a purpose beyond just ego, I would have given up ages ago. Success is one thing, significance is something entirely different. Blistered hands and aching muscles will be long-gone but perhaps I have effected some small change in others for the greater good?

Q: What do you eat?

A: Freeze dried, dehydrated food which I add boiling water to. Water is desalinated via batteries charged from solar panels which drive the desalinator. On cloudy days we use a hand-held pump which takes 45m to pump 2 liters. Food is called Expedition Foods and it’s really good actually! We also drink some vegan protein shakes of The WellnessBrothers Fitness Fuel

Q: What do you think of while rowing?

A: Many many things. I sometimes listen to music to just switch off or a motivational audio book like Ernest Shackleton’s incredible expedition of survival, vision, will, fortitude and amazing rescue. I also think often of how much I’ve taken for granted!

Q: What’s the first thing you’re going enjoy when you reach Rio?

A: Being on solid ground and appreciate not bobbing around in a big pond like a little cork!

Awesome South Africans and Cape Quarter going to host a live public interview with Wayne Robertson and myself on Friday, 24th March between 13:00 - 14:00 via satellite call.

Post your question ether here, at DOT - Do 1 Thing or in the event page https://www.facebook.com/events/394300590944735/ and the team will select as many as possible questions (within the set time frame) to ask us.

It’s going to be fun, so please join us at the Cape Quarter

In the photos the rainbow after the rain, which remind me that:

if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain 🙂