Notes from the Cabin - Day 17 at sea
This morning the sea is the calmest we’ve had and the indigo sea is teeming with hundreds of orange and blue tentacled box jellyfish around the boat Mhondoro. I was looking forward to a swim and getting clean…but not today even we have wanted that for the past few days and the the water temp is very warm, but being stung by many of these guys can prove fatal. So we are stink.
We are taking strain with hygiene, water is very scarce. Wayne Robertson said his hair has gone into a hard thick paste 🙂
Today is day 17 and still haven’t had any real sun. Beside managing power and charging batteries to make water is our top priority, we really hope to use our Dermastore sunscreen already!
Yesterday and today we have focussed purely on boat systems after assessing damages from storm.
Physically and mentally we are doing well and make a good effective team. A good sense of humor helps when things get rough and we both look out for each other all the time. TEAM!
After a particularly hallucinatory night of demons playing tricks with my mind, both while rowing and sleeping, I spent a short time writing this morning.
I asked myself the question ‘Why?’ Why am I doing this huge thing? A question I thought I had crystal clear for more than two years now. ‘To make a better world for all species’. Simple, succinct DOT - Do One Thing
It’s at times like this I go deep inside my soul and find the anchor, my centre-point, my constant. I call it ‘the little voice’. The one we forget to listen to in all our daily clutter. My little voice is very clear in her message: ‘You are not alone and there is great purpose in your journey’. I believe this and am reminded of the three words I have on my shaving mirror back home:
‘Strength, Courage, Faith’.