Notes from the cabin - Day 13 at sea
We had really hectic night again. Zero sleep for either of us and we couldn’t even row.
First, 1000 ft oil taker was coming at us and we had near miss after getting them on the radio. Then the big seas with strong winds, so we tied up the oars and both of us got in the cabin. Waves broke over the boat and then we were turned completely upside down. Twice!
The second time the boat never came back and Wayne and me were upside down. We had to slowly try to move to the side without damaging the instruments. The boat then came back up but we were under the water for about 5 minutes. Very very scary!
It’s a mess in the cabin but the boat is good and watertight.
Wayne describe it as we are getting hammered because the sea and the swell is hitting us over and over…
We have our righting routine down now. We have to lie across the mattress and brace ourselves for impact to avoid head injury. Got the drogue out and it slow the boat down.
We gonna have another long wet night but we are OK. We are OK.
As Wayne said ‘we are in expedition mode’.
I’m doing this for our future. Pull with us to make a difference to our only home
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