Leadership magazine: Getting serious about sustainability
How can we become more environmen- tally mindful? It does sometimes feel a bit overwhelming when deciding where to start and what to do. Extreme adventurer, Braam Malherbe’s latest initiative is focused just on that—encouraging people to ‘do one thing’ (DOT) for the environment. He and Wayne Robertson have set out to row from Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro—unaided. They have also developed a DOT Challenge app, where you can log your ‘DOT’ for the environment and also challenge
others to get involved and to log their own DOTs. There are great, easy-to-implement ideas of how you can do one thing each day. Personally, my ‘DOT’ and challenge to everyone is to stop using straws. Also, consider showering with a bucket and use the grey water for watering your plants, this will really make you a lot more conscious of how much water can be saved and reused on a daily basis.
To read the full article: Leadership Magazine