DOT Challenge - Do One Thing
DOT, which stands for Do One Thing, is a simple acronym that is so much more than a trend, a fad or a catchphrase. These three little letters boldly aim to unite the world in the hope that, together, we can still save our planet.
Do you want contribute towards making our planet healthy and sustainable again? Do you want to join the global movement working to help protect and preserve planet Earth?
Donate as little as $1.00 and tell us which of your friends you want to challenge, and we will challenge them and give you a personal thank you via the DOT - Do One Thing Facebook or Twitter page. (
If you would like to be more involved, you can purchase your own personalized DOTsticker, which will be put onto the expedition boat to show your support for this incredible initiative.
DOT donations will go towards non-profit companies that are using best practices in Water, Waste, Conservation and Energy, and to help further develop the reach of the DOTChallenge app. (…) (…)
Braam Malherbe – environmentalist, adventurer, TV presenter, author, honorary ranger, motivational speaker and conservationist – is a man on a mission. Braam is going to embark on an unprecedented, extreme adventure and challenge, all to raise awareness and try to help save the planet. Braam and his rowing partner, Wayne Robertson, intend to row from Cape Town to Rio, the longest continent to continent expedition of this nature ever attempted. Estimated to be a distance of 6 700 kilometres, Braam and Wayne are going to spend three months, at the mercy of the elements and ocean, attempting to row each and every kilometre without assistance, all to raise awareness for the DOTChallenge.
By globally connecting like-minded individuals through a single website and app, the DOT movement encourages anyone who is willing to just Do One Thing to protect and preserve our planet Earth from further destruction and harm.
Buying your own DOT sticker:
We will be ‘DOT-Ting’ the boat with a limited amount of DOTs, customized by Braam and Wayne with your name or initials. Purchase your DOT now to show your support for this global initiative. Everybody is welcome, from individuals to corporates and companies, so get on-board now.
Every DOT purchased helps Braam and Wayne get to Rio – Which DOT is going to be yours?
Help us to change the world: