Peter van Kets, Braam’s expedition partner and close friend, has sadly needed to withdraw from the Cape to Rio row. “I can’t join for personal family reasons. This row has been my dream for many years and so the decision was not made lightly. Braam is continuing with the row as planned and I will be supporting him as much as I can. We are very good friends and our friendship remains the same or even stronger than ever, as we are both supporting each other very much”, said Peter.

“Pete will continue being a key land-based point person,” said Braam. “One of my mantra’s is ‘dream big, plan well and minimise risks’. Part of planning is to always have a contingency plan. After Pete gave me the news I immediately began interviewing potential expedition partners. This row is all about saving our planet and the official launch of the DOT challenge App”, continued Braam. “After careful consideration, as well as bouncing things of Pete, I have chosen Clyde Barendse to be my partner. Clyde is an extreme adventurer and I believe he has the right mind for this expedition,” concluded Braam.

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