Motivational Speaker

Braam believes that ‘nothing is impossible’. He motivates his audiences to find opportunities in tough times and embrace change as a tool to reaching their highest potential. He understands that embracing change is a key component to personal growth. “Times of crisis, such as the current global economic crisis, are in fact the best opportunities to grow. The word crisis in Chinese is made up of two symbols: cri means ‘fear’ or ‘danger’ while sis means ‘opportunity’,” he says.

Drawing from his wealth of practical experience, Braam is living proof that if you are prepared to dream big, plan well and take risks, that you can achieve anything. After professionals telling him that it was physically impossible to run a marathon a day for nearly four months over some seriously harsh terrain, Braam and his friend David became the first (and only) people in the world to run the entire length of the Great Wall of China - a distance of some 4, 200kms! After the expedition, Braam underwent serious knee surgery. His doctors said he would never run again. In 2008 Braam completed a run around the entire coast-line of South Africa from Namibia to Mozambique. Again, he covered a marathon a day on average and clocked over 3, 200kms!

“I believe that the mind can heal the body if you believe in your potential. Our knowledge of our abilities and ultimate potential are still in their infancy. Great things are achieved by people who believe they can and passionately pursue their dreams,” says Braam.

TO BOOK BRAAM AS A KEY NOTE SPEAKER CALL +27 82 5603187 OR EMAIL [email protected]


Motivational, inspirational, moving. Braam makes the impossible possible and he turns the improbable into reality.

Chris Howarth - Chief Operating Officer - Old Mutual

“A very inspiring, touching, honest, motivated presentation which came from the heart!”

Bobby Lamont - Sanlam Sky Solutions

“This presentation was very inspirational and the key message about perseverance and belief in self was very relevant to the audience. The feedback from delegates was extremely positive.”

Riette Ackermann - Gordons Institute of Business Science

“I would like to thank you sincerely for the great presentation. You certainly contributed enormously to the huge success of our best convention ever! You fitted your presentation into our theme and presented in a world-class audio visual format.”

- Ray Whitmore - MD: Spar Build-It

“Exceeded all expectations - an enriching experience. The learnings from this fascinating event can be applied effectively at work and at home. Don’t miss it!”

- Eugene Beneke - MD: Tiger Brands