Braam’s book, “The Great Run - Conquering the sleeping Dragon”, is an inspiring encounter of not only his journey along the Great Wall of China, but also his life journey. It details what he has learned from hardship and achievement and echoes his beliefs that nothing is impossible if you have big dreams.
The book details Braam’s journey along the the Great Wall of China. The dream, the planning and the execution. It is a modern-day adventure where the human spirit overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Driven by passion, Braam draws on his deeper self to fight the physical pain of running a marathon per day over some of the harshest terrain on earth for 98 gruelling days. With the hottest day of 41 degrees in the Gobi desert and minus 22 degrees in the high mountains, he covers 4, 218kms. “What these guys are going to attempt is physically impossible”, said Proffessor Tim Noakes of the Sports Science Institute of South Africa.
The reader can enjoy the book from a hard-core adventure perspective as well as draw life-changing lessons from the many insights, or parallel life experiences.
Proffessor Noakes is writing the forward and Sunbird/Jonathan Ball are the publishers.
It is due for release in April 2010 and can be obtained at all leading book stores nation-wide.