17 Aug 2018 DOT Star: Tijmen Sissing
A backpacker picking up trash and reducing single use plastics
Our DOT Star of the week is Tijmen Sissing (@thetrashpacker), a Dutchman and backpacker, 27, who loves eco-friendly traveling. Tijmen started the foundation ‘Trashpackers’, a movement of backpackers that are picking up trash during their travels and minimizes their usage of single-use plastic.
Tijmen is Braam Malherbe’s DOT Star this week for being a great example of what is means to Do One Thing!
Tijmen has been working individually with no funding, and he had been to several countries including Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia for clean-up activities to spread awareness.
“I’ve set a challenge to collect 100 000 bin bags in 1 year with everybody who wants to join the Trashpackers community. You can create your profile and organize your own clean up events wherever you are. You can donate your binbags by simply uploading the photos of the amount you’ve collected. And of course, this is going to be a fun too!”
Trashpackers will kickstart the community on the 8th of September by bringing out a promotion video with Trashpackers from all over the world, cleaning up at the same day! More than 40 countries joined already. If you want to be a part of the movement, go to www.trashpackers.org
What is DOT Star and the #DOTchallenge?
Braam Malherbe’s #DOT (Do One Thing) Challenge is to use your personal opportunities and influence to make a commitment to a conservation cause or other charitable cause that you are passionate about. If we each decide and commit to Do One Thing (#DOT) every single day we can create an eco-movement of positive change for the planet.
“My DOT Challenge is honouring people who are taking action for the planet. Every week we feature a DOT Star (kind of like a “rock star” for the planet): someone who is using their personal time and influence to make a difference to animals and the environment. If you think you are our next DOT Star, or would like to nominate someone please send your motivation plus photos to me via email or messenger.” - Braam Malherbe
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