Most friends will have read all of my POSITIVE SOLUTIONS TO RHINO POACHING. If not, read them all before making a decision or forming your view point (you can see them on my website )

Herewith what I am doing:

There is much interest in the rhino war…over 270 ‘concerned and interested’ groups are on FB alone. Of these, a conservative 30% are scams! I will show this on SA Tv’s 50/50 nature program shortly. Whilst most of us have good intention there are many that simply exploit human emotion to rake in a fast buck.

I am focusing on those that sincerely commit, WITHOUT FINANCIAL GAIN, to ensuring the longevity of our sacred biodiversity. Let’s make this work together!

I have registered a domain: The aim is simple and provides a solution for all of us who are seriously committed to saving our rhino:

1) I have been instrumental in forming an Umbrella Body of credible people representing credible organisations who represent ‘interested and effected’ persons in the rhino saga: Namely: Yolan Friedman - CEO of Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT); Andrew Muir - Wilderness Foundation; Karen Trendler (and co,)- Calf Rehabilitation; Pelham Jones (and co.) - Private Rhino Owners Association; Mike Knight - SANParks (rhino specialist); Braam Malherbe - Extreme Conservationist.

2) a) To invite all interested parties to join www.united The invitation will ask you for your modus operandi (what is your mission/vision)? We will place you in a category ie Education; Fundraising; Intelligence gathering; Rehabilitation; Para Military advise and information, etc.

2) b) To ‘Name and Shame’ entities that are not benefiting rhino conservation whilst show-casing those that are.

3) We have formed a ‘Needs Analysis’ that highlights (across the spectrum of all effected parties (SANParks, Private Rhino Owners, etc). The committee (all philanthropists who will never earn any income in this cause) will make informed decisions and apportion funds to where they are needed most.

4) All money received and distributed, all awareness groups showing initiative, all who contribute positively, will be displayed on the site for public scrutiny and comment.

There are way too many Chiefs and not enough Indians…let’s put ego’s aside and Unite4rhinos. One good intention, however well intentioned, may be just a drop in the desert…united, we create a storm…D.O.T. Do One Thing…


1 comment to THE WAY FORWARD

  • H Pieterse

    Hi there Braam, Well done. Please know that Minette and myself are with you all the way. Please keep us up to date and let us know what we can do to help. Our Toad season is over and done with and so we are looking for something else to save!!

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